Erin McDonald, Editor-in-Chief
Senior Erin McDonald has always had a passion for writing and media. Growing up, her parents instilled a love for music and film in her by exposing her to many different genres and classics. This evolved into an appreciation for all different types of media, including audio, digital, and print. It was this passion for audio media that inspired McDonald to start the first podcast for The Claw, named “The Clawdcast”.
Aside from her passion for writing and media, McDonald has played competitive soccer almost her entire life. She began playing when she was only 5 years old and is finishing her 7th, and final, season with Eclipse Soccer Club this fall.
McDonald joined The Claw her sophomore year to express her creativity freely and to bring light to important events and issues around campus. Since then, she has learned many important lessons about leadership that she will take with her to college and beyond.
She is very excited to be the co-Editor-in-Chief of The Claw this year, and cannot wait to see where this year takes her and the newspaper!