AP Teacher Absent Prior to Exams

Mia Jay and Mindy Luo

Due to AP European History teacher Ryan Boyd’s paternity leave absence since April 16, Paul Verbanszky, who also teaches the course, has been covering Boyd’s classes leading up to the AP exam.

“Even though it’s right before the AP, we have prepared them all year long, and they have received the same material my students received and will continue getting it. So, I think they will perform just as well if he were here,” said Verbanszky.

Boyd was thankful that Verbaszky was able to cover for his absence for his students, but not concerned about the timing of it. “In the bigger picture, the birth of my child and the 1st 2 weeks of her life are more important than any 2 weeks of classes,” he said.

Some students were worried about Boyd’s absence. “I feel like Boyd being gone threw off the pace of the class a little bit. Verbanszky was a great sub, but I personally felt that it was kind of annoying to have to get used to a new teacher who teaches the information differently,” said sophomore Shantel Bonet.

Boyd returned to the classroom on May 6, the Monday before the AP Euro exam.

“I completely understand that he needs to be with his child and I’m really happy that he got to be with his wife and his daughter, so that was really great. It’s unfortunate that it happened to be in the weeks leading up to the AP, but he’s here this week and that’s really good,” said sophomore Zoe Heidersbach.