Homecoming Decorations Damage Walls


Sebastian Fojut and Ryan Erickson-King

Each year, each grade level decorates a separate hallway on campus during Homecoming week. This year’s junior hall decorations were abused on October 14. While leadership typically uses a weak adhesive, such as painter’s tape, to hold up their decor, the Junior leadership representatives inadvertently used duct tape. As a result, the yanking down of decorations also damaged the permanent paint on the hallway walls.

Fortunately, the damage was minimal, according to Junior Harnoor Lal, who helped set up the decorations. “If you don’t know it’s there, it’s not that noticeable,” said Lal. The damage was reportedly no larger than two square inches in any given area.

Leadership plans on repairing any damages that the fabric glue and duct tape caused, both of which are “too strong for the wall’s paint job,” according to leadership adviser Lindsay Webb-Peploe. 

Junior Christian Markey was in charge of junior hall decorations this year. “We tested the tape on other walls, and the paint wasn’t affected, so we were really surprised to see the damage,” he said.

Markey plans to use money from the Carnival fundraiser held on October 19 to refurbish the hallway walls. “It shouldn’t be too expensive, just a few spots here and there,” said Markey. 

“People are going to come in on the weekends to try to remove some of the tape without further damaging the walls,” said Webb-Peploe.

“Hopefully the hall will get repainted soon,” Webb-Peploe said.