Campo Track and Field Sweeps Miramonte
Campolindo faces of against Miramonte
The Campolindo Track and Field team undertook their first Diablo Athletic League (DAL) meet of the season on March 8. Campo swept Miramonte in all four divisions on the Matadors’ home turf. Competitors faced each other in distance, sprinting, jumping, and throwing events.
Distance runner senior Tai Lee felt confident about Campo’s performance. “It’s the first time the varsity boys beat Miramonte in a one-on-one duel since 2013. These steps are all very important to see where we are and get us in a position to beat Acalanes on April 19th,” Lee said.
Overall, Lee explained how winning meets like this one “is the first step of five steps essentially to claim the division title, which is the goal. We won three of the divisions last year, both the frosh-soph and varsity girls.”
Distance runners Lee, Yun-Yun Wong, and sprinter and jumper Jasia Hilaski all participated in the meet.
As part of the Varsity Boys Division, Lee ran a successful 800 meters for the team with a time of 2:36. They also kept track of the points and events, giving information out to anxious Campo athletes as soon as possible.
On the frosh-soph team, freshman Wong ran the 800 meter race and the 1600 meter relay. “I think it went pretty well. The first lap [of the 800] was good and the last half of the second lap was challenging, but overall, it went well,” she said.
Freshman Hilaski jumped an impressive 14 feet and five inches for the first meet. “I thought it was a lot of fun…it’s definitely very exciting. It’s stressful just at the mark where you’re supposed to jump from, but after that when you’re sprinting down [the runway] you get zoned in” Hilaski said. In future meets she hopes to “improve [her] distance in the long jump and for running improve [her] times and decelerate less than what [she’s currently] doing.”
The meet was seen by many as a success and hopes are high for approaching competitions. “It’s been a long time since we’ve swept an entire meet like that,” Lee said.
Future meets will take place mostly on Wednesdays, with some occasionally on Saturdays.
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