Library Offers Edible Therapy


Claire Mueller and Rachel Syzmanski

The Campolindo Library hosted an Edible Art session after school on May 18.

“This idea came from the Moraga librarians Lauren and Geneva. They do teen programs in their library downtown and in Moraga twice a month,” said head librarian Sarah Morgan. “But we decided to do once a month here and once a month there just to introduce kids into all the fun they can have in the library.”

“The first thing to get this going was that we had to look at the calendar and decide which day of the week worked, which time worked, where we should do it, inside or outside,” said Morgan. “We definitely wanted to do it somewhere in the library so kids know that the library is a fun place to come.”

Freshman Christine Zhu happened to be in the library at the time of the event, and enjoyed her luck. She said, “The funny thing is that I found out about it ten minutes before it happened because I was inside the library. I was like ‘Edible art? Cool!’. It was pretty cool because I got to make art and eat it, which are two of my favorite things.”

Coincidentally, freshman Jordan Roberts was also in the library at the same time. “I found the art extremely therapeutic. Of course it’s fun to eat the candy, but it’s also good to take some time off of school work and just chill out,” she said. “I was just in the library and here on the right day and someone was like, ‘Hey look we’re going to start doing candy art.’ And I was like ‘I didn’t know we did candy art!’ and then they told me to join so I was like ‘Sure I’ll do it!'”

Zhu loved her final product. “The best part of my art was after I finished I could turn it into a burrito, so I’m pretty proud of the thing I made. Unfortunately, I started eating it before I could take a picture of it. It was pretty cool, it was a 10/10 experience, would eat again,” she said.

“My favorite part was creating a beautiful picture for my mother and using my imagination,” Roberts added.

Morgan hopes to continue this event next year, but it all depends on the scheduling. “We started doing this 6 months ago and we hope to do this again next year depending on the calendar,” she said.