2020 Brings Unprecedented Change

2020 has been a year of big changes. As students, we’ve traded in-person classes for Zoom instruction and School Loop for Canvas, been forced to stay at home and socialize only in small outdoor gatherings, and cannot leave our houses without masks.

In addition to the unprecedented global pandemic, this year has also been marked by a nationwide reckoning with race. While we wish that systemic racism and discrimination had been at the forefront of issues earlier on, we are hopeful that people nationwide now have begun to reflect on their biases and privileges, have difficult conversations with their family members, and work toward making the world a more equitable place.

Californian cities are reduced to ash, politics further divide our country, and we probably will not be back in a classroom until January.

Metamorphosing and adapting along with the current state of the world, La Puma has changed and will continue to change. 1st and foremost, we have added a flourishing art staff of immensely talented students. Working alongside our new advisor Lauren Henson, we’ve adapted our normally bustling classroom to a Zoom setting.

As distributing magazines during this time is quite difficult, we are updating our website and publishing our work through PDFs instead of our usual paper copies. This time has also given us the opportunity to expand our social media presence with engaging graphics and featured articles. Be sure to follow us on Instagram @chslapuma to stay in the know!

Finally, in an effort to be more culturally-sensitive, La Puma will be formally changing its name next year. It had been brought to our attention by Campo’s language department that our name utilizes improper grammar. We apologize for any and all harm caused by the incorrectness of our name and hope to promote sensitivity by adopting a new name that will be decided at a later date.