Campus Egg Hunt Celebrates Easter

Campus Egg Hunt Celebrates Easter

Finn Welch, Staff Writer

Leadership hosted its 1st egg hunt by scattering nearly 200 plastic eggs across campus in recognition of Easter weekend on April 19. The eggs contained small slips of paper that students could trade for candy at a stand in the quad.

“We know that people like doing the fun things they did when they were kids, such as going on Easter or non-denominational egg hunts,” said Leadership’s Junior Class Secretary Brent Avenell.

The new egg hunt received plenty of positive feedback. Freshman Benjamin Blatt said, “It was a good way to incorporate some festive events in school and get some candy, because who doesn’t like candy?”

Leadership Junior Social Secretary Juliet Barlier agreed. “A ton of people came for candy, so it seemed like it worked,” she said.

However, Avenell thought that the amount of waste the egg hunt produced may have outweighed the purpose. “We want to reduce waste at Campo,” said Avenell. “We don’t want plastic eggs or candy wrappers everywhere.”

Despite the hiccups, leadership still plans on turning the egg hunt into an annual event. “Next year, we’ll try to get people to turn in their eggs for more candy,” said Barlier.