Library Hosts AGATE Presentations


Rachel Szymanski, Staff Writer

Juniors from all 4 of the district’s comprehensive high schools presented projects developed as part of their participation in the Acalanes Gifted and Talented Education (AGATE) 3-day field trip to Monterey.

Projects were displayed to the public in the library from December 6 to December 8.

Students were required to incorporate at least 2 school subjects and spend at least 25 hours creating their projects, which explored either the history or wildlife of Monterey.  The condition of ocean ecology, the Point Pinos Lighthouse, and the history of indigenous people of the area were among the many topics chosen by participants.

“Mine is a board game like Monopoly about the history of Monterey,” said Junior Jay Thomas.

According to Thomas, since the projects are not graded, the experience is less stressful than the work he does in his classes at school.

Students created projects about the the wildlife of Monterey, the sea’s jeopardized condition, historical sites like the Point Pinos Lighthouse, and the history of the people who have lived there.