Does Campus Still Need Updating?

While Campolindo’s exterior underwent a renovation just last year, a look behind a fresh coat of paint and drought-friendly landscaping reveals an interior in desperate need of updating: Cracked linoleum, chipped paint, lint on conditioning filters as thick as cotton.

Bathroom mold. Rusted pipes. Graffiti everywhere from railings to tiles to interiors of student lockers. The list goes on.

Behind F-hall thrives the vintage world of worn-out school stuffs known as the “Desk Graveyard.” Chair seats from standard blue to dusty purple cup rainwater and oak leaves. Metal legs of desks flirtatiously intertwined.

Last year, students told La Puma the new blue and red paint involved in the update transformed our campus into “a school for clowns.” Do the aesthetic failures of campus go beyond the primary color rampage we experienced last spring? Checkout the gallery of some of the more decrepit parts of Campolindo to decide for yourself and vote on our poll.