Disney Remake Bold, Beautiful

Kate Ginley, Staff Writer

The 1950’s are out and 2015 is in! The old Cinderella, though a classic, has got nothing on the new and improved Cinderella, starring Lily James, Cate Blanchett, Richard Madden and Helena Bonham Carter.

Though the movie follows the same storyline, where a young woman lives a harsh life of servitude to her step-family until a fairy-godmother and true love changes everything, the live action film is a refreshing update. The cinematography is absolutely incredible as it offers new points of view, colorful sets and bold performances.

One of the most visually delicious scenes is, of course, when Ella (nicknamed Cinderella after unfortunate teasing from her step-family) receives her dress for the ball. With deep, enchanting blue fabric, it is a true royal ball gown. Only the  butterflies flittering above the dress were a little too fairytale.

While I appreciated that the film deviated from the original story at times, some of the departures were disappointing.  Why does Disney insist on shocking us with the tragic demise of characters?

In the summer blockbuster, Maleficient, the villain became the hero, giving the classic tale a whole new twist. I expected there to at least be some reason for the step-mother of this tale, Lady Tremaine, to be evil instead of just being innately mean spirited from birth.

It wasn’t clearly stated but it seemed as if Tremaine was wicked purely because she was jealous of Ella’s mother, who could never be replaced. And even at the end, when Ella is so close to her fairy-tale ending with only her terrible step-mother in the way, Tremaine says that Ella should listen to her because she is her mother. But Ella refutes this, stating “You have never been my mother and you never will be.”

Afterwards, the camera shows Tremaine alone in a room with an expression I can only describe as shock. Indicating that Tremaine, as cruel as she was, was hurt by this statement when she realizes that even a dead women is better than her.

At the very end, (after the prince falls in love with Ella despite not knowing her name) the prince finally asks for her name and instead of saying “Ella” she replies with “Cinderella.” By doing so, she embraces all the pain that comes with that name and turns it into something beautiful and strong as a constant reminder that all good things will come to those deserving.

The movie definitely offers some valuable morals, like “have courage and be kind.” At the end of the day, people aren’t going to respect you for your riches but the kindness you show to others.