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The Claw

Diego Dominguez

Diego Dominguez, Staff Writer

Diego Dominguez is a freshman at Campo and is just starting as a writer in Journalism. Diego plays football for the Campo freshman football team and is well-spirited. Even outside of school, Diego pursues his passion for football by going to a football camp over the summer in Louisiana. His favorite subject is math and would be happy to mix his love for football and love for math as his future career as a sports analyst. 

Diego joined Journalism because of his fondness for writing. He’s excited for the upcoming year in Journalism class and would like to continue his writing career in this class throughout high school. 

Diego enjoys going to the beach and eating burgers. He likes to listen to rap music and is very open minded when it comes to the artist. Diego likes to laugh and looks up to his dad because he is very humorous and likes to watch comedy movies.

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Diego Dominguez