There’s no time like the present. However, sometimes that’s difficult to embrace.The world is a constant whirlwind as everyone navigates headlines that only seem to escalate. Figuring out how to have conversations about it all can prove to be a challenge, but we can’t stop communicating and helping each other heal.
Politics are always controversial and our country’s political landscape has altered drastically – so what’s appropriate to say, to not say, and who should we listen to? AI usage is increasing – as some abuse the resource, it seems the ability to think critically could be devolving. Brain rot encourages complacency and passivity in a world that demands initiative. It is possible to resist user error in our technological terrain or cynical numbness in the grip of devastating social issues. For example, students on our campus are advocating during Black History Month, hosting beach clean ups, and expressing themselves through the timeless catharsis of the arts.
As we all move through the first few months of 2025 focusing on personal ambitions and community contributions, remembering to have some spontaneous fun is vital to a successful year. High school is a unique time for people to say “yes” in a safe, explorative space. In our Lamorinda community, there are numerous opportunities whether we recognize them or not, and taking advantage of those given gifts is a good starting point.
While we enter new phases of our journeys, our identities, and relationships often we realize we aren’t invincible. And we don’t have to be. Let’s choose to support each other, be there for people when they hit the wall and help them get back up. It’s inevitable that we all collide with the bricks at some point whether that’s mentally, emotionally, physically, and sometimes the perfect trifecta. Regardless, keep saying “yes” because it's all part of the growing process and mistakes and flaws are humanizing.
This is the time of the year for academic comebacks, rising in the ranks of a sport, finding new friendships and building upon old ones. This is the time to be alchemists and convert stress about the current state of our world into constructive, realistic ways to contribute. Join a service club, volunteer with your sibling at a food bank, tutor a friend, have a bake sale. And while we’re putting our heads down at the grindstone, take a beach trip, grab a boba in Walnut Creek, take a stroll around the park. When all is said and done, these are our hours and days to live to the fullest and that means striking a balance and understanding it’s a process to get there.