Campo has many academic clubs that can help students explore their interests and learn new things. Our clubs here at Campo have been very successful, and this year shows that.
One of Campo’s academic clubs is Mock Trial, a club that introduces students to the world of law. In Mock Trial students focus on a specific court case each season. This year they focused on the kidnapping of a spouse's political opponent. Where they fight for their side against another school in a court while being scored by a judge. Students go to court prepared to argue one side of the case they have studied and play different roles in the court. Senior Clara Rhames played the defendant accused of the kidnapping. She said, “I have had a lot of fun, it's really helped me with public speaking too..and it's such a community.” This year they made it into the playoffs which took place on February 11. Mock Trial has won 2 out of 5 of their trials.
Aca Deca is another popular academic club. Club members study different topics and are tested on them. Students go to competitions to either write essays, get interviewed, or give speeches about the subjects they studied. Aca Deca finished regionals. They procured first place in Super Quiz and in the Bay Area region. Nicole Buchman, a senior on the team, summarizes her experience: “I study, I perform my best, I hangout with people, it's fun…it’s a community” This year eight students are going to Santa Clara on March 20 for the state championships, they will perform speeches and interviews.
For those who join Campo’s debate team, students learn how to argue their side of an argument, and prove through critical thinking and evidence that they are right. This season debate has competed in around 20 competitions and won the Berkeley Invitational. Two debaters, juniors Nishta Mukundun and Adison Schoemehl are a nationally ranked partnership and are an example of the team’s high level of rigor and success. Freshman Debater Saibha Virdi says “It’s a really fun extracurricular that helps you improve not only your arguments but how you speak and how much confidence you have when speaking in front of people.” Debate is a very beneficial club and it improves many of the students participating in its skills like confidence, speaking and quick thinking.