Coat Drive Clothes Immigrants

November 7, 2019
The Compassion in Action Club donated approximately 50 coats to Refugee & Immigrant Transitions in Oakland on November 2 after soliciting donations from students during the month of October.
Although a winter coat drive is an annual occurrence for Refugee & Immigrant Transitions, this was the 1st time that a Campolindo club participated.
According to senior club president Kimya Peyvan, holding a coat drive was an “urgent issue” and something that she believed “would make an enormously positive impact on the lives of the families this winter.”
Junior vice president Justine Ellery said, “I can’t even imagine what many refugees must endure to find a safer home in America, and I am happy to do anything I can to help them along their journey.”
With immigration being a controversial issue today, many students have become more than willing to show their support by getting involved with the Compassion in Action Club.
Junior Jocelyn Poon thinks that the club is “a great way for students to make an impact on a topic that they are passionate about.”
Poon added, “While it is good to have some fun clubs on campus, I also think that it is important to have clubs that are actively working towards making a difference in the world.”
Ellery was drawn to getting involved with the Refugee & Immigrant Transitions organization as it helps both new and old refugees to adjust to their new life in America. “This is something we are both extremely passionate about, especially given America’s current political climate that is uninviting and quite hostile to immigrants and refugees,” said Ellery.
Peyvan’s mother, Shida Nouraie, dropped the donation off in Oakland. Nouraie was particularly moved after seeing what a positive impact the coats made on the families who received them.
“It was very heartwarming to see with my own eyes people getting the support they needed. These are people are going through a rough time and seeing their appreciation for something small made me much more grateful for what I have,” said Nouraie.
Despite having a sufficient amount of donations, both Peyvan and Ellery hope to get more of the student body to participate in future clothing drives.
Ellery hopes to expand the Compassion in Club’s influence by increasing the signage around campus, which she believes will generate more donations.
Poon hopes that “more people will donate” as she believes that “Campo families have more than enough resources and can spare giving up a few extra pieces of clothing for a good cause.”
Ellery said, “The club keeps growing and we just love the support for such an important cause.”