Powder Puff Activities Postponed

Layla Wright, Staff Writer

After being suspended due to poor air quality associated with the North Bay fires during the week of October 9, powder puff football activities which typically accompany homecoming week, were postponed indefinitely the week of October 16.

“It sucks because it was a fun way for the girls to join in on the homecoming fun. Not even just them, but people would come watch our games at lunch,” said sophomore Kate Norton.

Garrett Dunn, who had been coaching the junior girls’ team, said, “It was a big bummer to miss the game after all the hard work and dedication the girls put in. It would have been fun to play under the Friday night lights with such a big crowd. The junior girls put in a lot of extra work with multiple extra practices and a sweet pump up vid.”

Junior Lindsay Torres was equally disappointed by the cancelation. “I was ready to win!” she said.  She also noted that the junior squad had invested in team t-shirts, an expense that was ultimately wasted.

Norton lamented missing out on the competition. “It was fun to have friendly competition with the other grades, which is partly what adds to the homecoming vibe,” she explained.

Many expected the juniors and seniors to face off at halftime during the homecoming game that had been rescheduled for Monday, October 16.  The powder puff competition was not accounted for in the administration’s alternative plans however.

As of October 17, there is still no plan for making up the activity. Junior Katie Clare, Commissioner of Social Affairs said leadership “hopes to reschedule it for later in the school year.”