15 members of the Business Club toured Google headquarters in Palo Alto on May 1. The group took part in a tour to learn how the world-class company operates.
Club co-president Sydney Liu said, “We were looking at something that we use everyday and all the parts of it coming together.”
“It was sort of an advertisement because we got to see the cool and fun parts of Google,” Ledderman said Brian Leiderman.
The group took a tour of the facilities with a Google employee. “It was very interesting talking to someone that works there and being able to see what he does and the structure of how the company works,” added Liu.
According to Liu, the group observed aspects of employee care and the culture of the workplace. Ledderman said the relaxed the atmosphere and the interesting contraptions at Google were fascinating.
Liu set up the trip for the club through people he had met at the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) regional conference in March. “Another school’s Business Club president and I talked a lot and she mentioned that they had set up a tour with Google. I asked for the Google info and after receiving that, I was able to set the tour for us,” Liu said.
There is a chance the club will get to tour Pixar later in the year, but details are still being worked out according to Liu. “Facebook and Apple are closed to tours unless you know someone on the inside, and even then you can’t get into the building, so we aren’t really looking there,” he added.