Leadership and Blood Centers of the Pacific held the annual blood drive Friday, April 13.
The blood drive was an effort to reach first time donors. Junior Hailey Finnane, who helped organize the drive, said, “It’s to get people interested in donated blood early on and hopefully they’ll carry that on for the rest of their life.” Account representative for BCP, Joanne Alwine, said that they had similar motives, “We like to come to schools because it’s a great opportunity for first time donors. It’s also a great opportunity for a student to give back to their community,” she said.
Student donor Lauren Fruci agreed with Leadership and BCP’s reasons for hosting a drive at Campo. “I think it is a good idea to have a blood drive.” She added, “I’ve always wanted to give blood and having this at school was a great opportunity.”
To donate, one must have a legitimate height to weight ratio, a certain iron level, and not have taken certain medication. Finnane said that of the 95 students that signed up, many were deferred for not having a correct height to weight ratio or low iron levels. A doctor examines each donator, and if they are approved, they begin to actually donate blood. After the blood is taken, it is tested for any diseases or problems. If safe, it is stored in refrigerators until needed by local hospitals.
Other students were deferred for recent travel. Junior Jessica Tuan was not able to donate blood because she went to Mexico over Thanksgiving break. She said, “I was sad and disappointed.” She added that she wanted to donate “to help people who needed blood.” Those who visited Mexico during spring break were also not allowed to donate blood.