Government classes are using the 2012 Presidential election as a learning opportunity. Students of history teachers Tom Renno and Caron Brownlee edited and directed their own campaign advertisements using various propaganda techniques.
“The students form their own political party and they run against their class,” Renno explained. After presenting the videos, the classes held a mock election for the Presidency.
Renno said the project was designed “so that students can start to develop their own political ideologies and debate about those ideologies and beliefs.” He said, “It’s very student centered.” The classes develop the material on their own and are “really a part of the process.”
The Presidential commercials are also a tradition. “As long as I have been teaching here it’s been going on,” Renno said. He participated in the assignment when he was a student.
Daniel Johnson is grouped with Maggie Macy, Teddy Newton, Dan Fadelli, and Conor Murray. “We took a test,” Johnson said. “We were put into groups based on our score.”
Johnson explained that in their video, the presidential candidate “talked about what our party believed in. We were the far right party.” His group tackled issues like border control and taxes in their ad.
Party of the Public – 2011
Middle Peacetern Party – 2011
Hug Party – 2011
The Purple Party – 2011
FSU Party – 2011
Sandwich Party – 2011
Perifect Party – 2011
Tree Party -2011
Bullseye Party – 2010