After more than 4 years of volunteering, parent Chris Banard received the Su Stauffer Friend of Education Award.
Banard was introduced to Campolindo when his first son, Brett Banard, attended. He wanted to “keep the positive vibe going.” He said one of his priorities while volunteering was to “make things work as efficiently as possible.” Banard continues “to try to do a good job” at improving the school while his second son, Ryan Banard, attends.
His opportunity to help out are is ending, however. The Banard family will moving to Lexington, Massachusetts, which Banard said “is sad,” but he will “look to get involved in the Lexington community.”
Ryan said, “I felt proud. He works pretty hard.” With his father so involved in the school, he continued, “I think that it helped me a little bit. It makes me want to do well.”
Banard also coached the boys Junior Varsity basketball to an undefeated season last year.
Banard served 4 years as the Parent Advisor to the Class of 2010, 2 years as an advisor for the WASC Focus on Learning Assessment and Accountability committee, and in positions in the Parent Club, including webmaster.
Parent Club President, Linda O’Brien, said that she is “sad to see him go,” as he helped out consistently. The Parent Club now looks for a replacement for the webmaster position.