Brothers Produce Film Fun
December 15, 2015
Brothers Robert and Zachary Goldman have produced 2 films in a collaborative effort for their Video Production class.
The video production class develops practical skills, according to Zachary, who enjoys the course than his core subjects. “It’s more interactive and you get a lot of free will to be creative and do a lot of different things. It’s not just like memorize formulas or whatever. And yeah, it’s also, like, really interactive, like, we have to collaborate in groups, and that’s what’s really fun about it,” he said.
The videos created by the brothers germinated from broad topics and brainstorms, where ideas were pitched and jobs divided. Their most recent video is a parody of a scene from the movie Offices.
“We put our own a take on it. Like, we dressed up as the characters from that movie, and I acted, and he directed it. We both edited it, but we did our own take on the scene,” Zachary said.
Robert added, “We took a small scene from that, and just filmed it, and filmed the dialogue, our twist on it.”
While his brother acts, Robert said he would rather be calling the shots. “I don’t like acting. I like being behind the camera. I like directing and writing and using some tech stuff,” he explained. Robert also attends a film making camp.
Zachary is not quite as invested in film making. “Well, I’m not sure this is what I want to do for a career,” he said. “Robbie is more into it than I am.”
Zachary does, however, enjoy the sense of accomplishment he gets from making videos. ” I don’t know if it’s different from accomplishing an essay. It’s kind of the same feeling, but it’s definitely a lot more fun,” he explained.
“Their videos are mostly funny. It’s just because like their acting is pretty bad that makes the video funny,” said junior Matt Guerrero.