In preparation for Homecoming 2013, leadership has been busy planning for all of the events that will take place throughout the week of October 21. This year’s theme will be “music.”
Even though music genres have been used before, leadership advisor Dino Petrocco is happy with the choice. “It is an easy theme for us to work with, so I like it. It’s a good thing,” he said.
Senior Marley Thuma agrees. “I’m really happy,” she said. Thuma has yet to hear anything negative about the theme, but understands that it’s hard to please everyone. “There are always a few people that have complaints,” she said.
Before leadership made their final decision on September 25, theys began by asking the senior class for suggestions at the annual Senior Pancake Breakfast. Some of the suggestions included Disney movies, famous dictators, everyday workers, Harry Potter, and Star Wars. According to Petrocco, leadership had “three days of knockout battles of what the themes should be.”
Now that they’ve chosen a theme, the real preparation work has begun. “It is going to be a week chalked full of fun and activities,” Petrocco said. On Monday, leadership will hand out trinkets by G Hall. Powderpuff Football games will be on Tuesday and Wednesday, followed by the Campo Carnival on Thursday and the football game on Friday. The carnival will take place at lunch. It will include music, food trucks, and video games.
This year, Leadership will introduce a new Homecoming activity: Before the game on Friday, there will be a “tailgate” party on the tennis courts, with many festivities, including raffles, music, and face painting.
“I’m really excited for the tailgate before the Homecoming game and getting pumped up,” Thuma said.